This coming Sunday is one of my favorite church celebrations – Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Have you seen the image of Christ the King as a Lion with a crown?
How about a blazing sun with a crown? And the crowns are gold with big jewels in them.
The interesting thing is that a true king is a humble servant of their people.
Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe shows us this.
He humbly walked from place to place, inviting people to follow Him.
Jesus taught about God’s love for us through stories that we can relate to, like the merciful, forgiving father in the Prodigal Son story.
Jesus always simply spoke truthfully, like when a woman was about to be stoned to death for her sin – He said the one who has never sinned before can throw the first stone, then when all dropped their stones and left Jesus said to her, go and sin no more.
He healed the people most in society don’t want to go near, most of the time touching them.
Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe sacrificed His life on the Cross for each one of us.
Jesus answered, "You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." John 18:37
It sometimes seems like it’s difficult to hear truth these days…simple truth.
See what Jesus reminds us in the last verse of this coming Sunday’s Gospel.
Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe.
You can hear Him through loving words of those who care for you.
You can hear Him in a meaningful message through the words of a song.
You can hear Him if you make some space of quiet prayer in your busy day. You can hear Him in the readings and prayers at Mass.
Listen to your King’s voice of love for you…
Viva Cristo Rey!