Days, weeks, months, and years of negativity and unkindness in our nation has taken a toll on me, on many of us.
On top of being the day after the election, November 6th came with an insane windstorm, knocking out power and bringing huge trees and fences down.
A wildfire took the homes of many of our neighbors in Camarillo and Moorpark.
For me it seemed like the crazy wind and fire outside matched the emotions I had inside.
As I write this to you, the sun has come up on Veteran’s Day.
It is calm and quiet outside.
This moment is calm and quiet inside me too.
I put my flag up and put on my t-shirt with a flag on it.
I got emotional thinking of all our nation’s veterans.
I sat and did Morning Prayer, getting emotional again as I lifted all our veterans to God in prayer.
May their minds be filled with Jesus’ peace. May their bodies feel His healing. May their hearts swell today with our love for them.
I prayed for the people of our nation and of the world too.
I asked God to help kindness, compassion, and most of all hope to rise up in all of us.
Then I read this coming Sunday’s Mass readings.
In those days, I Daniel, heard this word of the Lord: "At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; it shall be a time unsurpassed in distress... Daniel 12:1a
God knows many peoples of the world are in distressing times.
Again, He gives us Michael the Archangel to guard and protect us from evil.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection from the wickedness and snares of the devil.
Protect us from selfishness over the common good.
Protect us from unkind words and thoughts over knowing we are each created in God’s image.
Protect us from catastrophizing over hope.
And most of all, protect us from all that separates us from God’s love.
Saint Michael defend us!