

Mass and Adoration

Monday-Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 

Holy Days: TBA 


First Friday Devotion and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: TBA


(805) 526-6499

First Communion

Opportunities for preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Communion for children, youth, or adults are offered through our parish Faith Formation. 

Call the Faith Formation Office at (805) 526-0680 for more information and with any questions. 

Confession and Reconciliation

Confessions are on Saturdays from 3-4:30pm and Thursdays before First Friday from 4-5pm

You may also call the Parish Office at (805) 526-6499 to schedule an appointment.


Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation is offered to anyone 19 years and older who have received Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Communion in the Catholic Church.
Click on the Adult Confirmation Tab under Faith Formation for more information. 


Youth Confirmation

The preparation of youth for the sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year process for high school youth who have been Baptized and received First Reconciliation, and Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. Our youth Confirmation preparation process seeks to inspire and equip young people for lifelong discipleship and commitment to their Catholic faith, strengthened by the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God.
Click on the SPC Youth Ministry Tab under Faith Formation for more information.


Call the Faith Formation Office at (805) 526-0680 for more information and with any questions.   

Leader Information:

  • Leaders must arrive ONE HOUR prior to session!
  • Sessions are due the Thursday prior to your designated session


Call (805) 526-6499

Marriage preparation usually takes 6 months.


Click Here

Anointing of the Sick

Call (805) 526-6499

Sacramental Records

Call (805) 526-6499

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