A’s in all your children’s classes?
A raise at work?
Healing of a health issue?
Success in exercising?
A home to call your own?
Reconciliation with someone?
A visit from a missed loved one?
That your children love themselves and be true to themselves?
A love filled marriage?
The joy of the Dodger’s winning the World Series?
As we pray, do we remember that Jesus is waiting for us to ask Him for what we need? Do we really believe this, that He loves us so deeply that He wants to hear whatever our needs and desires are?
Sometimes I think that there are so many huge, important problems and suffering in the world that I shouldn’t bother Jesus with my needs. That is not true.
Jesus said to him in reply, "What do you want me to do for you?"
The blind man replied to him, "Master, I want to see." Mark 10:51
In this coming Sunday’s Gospel reading a blind man was crying out to Jesus.
Jesus stops and asks him what he wants Him to do. Jesus asks us the same question.
The blind man answered Jesus.
Do I?
Do you?
Believe and be blessed!