I don’t know about you all, but at this time of year I end up getting together more with family and friends than I usually do.
Advent and Christmas time brings a different feel to these gatherings too.
This coming Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Look what Mary does in the Gospel reading:
Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-40
She traveled to see Elizabeth and Zachariah at their home, which was far from her home.
Mary and Elizabeth were family.
They joyfully greeted each other and talked all about what God was doing in their lives.
The coming days before Christmas can be extremely busy.
I hope that we can find time to go and visit family and/or friends, joyfully greeting each other and talking about all that God is doing in our lives.
Remember Advent is about preparing for the coming celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas, preparing for Jesus’ second coming, AND recognizing Jesus’ presence with us now.
He is very present in our joyful moments with each other and as we talk about all the God moments in our lives now!
Blessings of God Moments!