Something was brought to my attention that blew my mind.
About 3% of the registered people of Saint Peter Claver are supporting the whole parish financially through their weekly offering.
That means that only about 100 people out of over 3000 are giving an offering at Mass.
My heart feels sad.
To me it is such a beautiful honor to give an offering each week.
Each morning after I wake up, I make the Sign of the Cross, praying, “Thank You God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” I think of the day before and take a minute to thank God for blessings that came, for being with me through any challenges, and for guiding me.
By the time Sunday comes, my mind is full of thoughts of God’s presence in my week, and I am so grateful. At the point in Mass when we give our offering to God and His Church as the baskets are passed, I am honored to give.
I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in them will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Jesus reminds us in that verse from this coming Sunday’s Gospel reading that we are connected to Him like branches are connected to a vine.
If we grow in that connection, or relationship with God, our lives produce much fruit – love, patience, endurance, faith, joy, and so much more.
Being able to be part of giving an offering to God at Mass together only enables us to grow even more in blessings.
This week I am praying that we become a community of 100% of us supporting our parish through our offerings at Mass, growing in our connections with each other and with our God.
Be blessed through the connection!