What a crazy week it’s been! For you too?
Here at Saint Peter Claver a breaker melted down leaving the West Hall and the Faith Formation Office without power.
I never realized how much I rely on electricity to do my work. That means no computer with all its files, Word, or email. No copier. No phones. No lights to clean and organize.
What does one do?
This morning I am working from home so I can do this post.
With the help of a rented generator we were able to fire up the place for Father Riz’s 70th birthday party Saturday, and get some of our files emailed or saved so we can access them.
It is an interesting thing to experience no power at work.
I have to really think about everything in a different way.
How do I access things from the computer to work on, or can I? What work can I do on site and when?
How do I get some natural light in there?
How can I connect with my coworkers or with you all?
The concept of time at work is so different with no power there too.
What may God be trying to show me or tell me through this?
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
That is a verse from this coming Sunday’s Second Reading – interesting!
I am “in Christ”. I am a disciple or follower of Jesus. I have given Him my life. That verse reminds me that through Christ, I am a new creation.
Do I remember that?
Do I live that?
Jesus is tapping me on the shoulder, or tugging at my clothes like my niece does when she wants to tell me something through this experience of no power at work.
I am a new creation.
I have to think about everything in a different way.
How do I connect to The Power, to Christ each day to access His guidance? What can I do to reflect His love and mercy and when? How do I fill Faith Formation with His Light? How can I connect with my coworkers and you all? And how do I spend my time – stressfully focused on administrative work, or by being a caring presence to the people in front of me?
Please forgive me for the times I let stress keep me from being a caring presence for you when you call or come by the Faith Formation Office.
Thank you Lord for tapping me on the shoulder with the reminder that we are a new creation through You, and to shine that in our life – You are our Power Source!
Be a New Creation through Christ!