Last Thursday was the first day of summer – yay!
This is my favorite time of year.
I did a 23-mile bike ride, enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.
For dinner I made a summer meal of hotdogs, baked beans, and corn on the cob then enjoyed it while watching Aquaman. (It was a fun movie.)
My first day of summer was a good one!
Early morning hikes before work.
Long bike rides on the coast on days off.
Pool workouts or playing in the ocean and not freezing when I get out.
Evenings with friends sharing a good meal and laughter under the stars.
I love the long days of summer.
God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being; and the creatures of the world are wholesome… Wisdom 1:13-14a
I tend to enjoy time outdoors more, from sitting out on my little balcony to hikes in the mountains and days at the coast.
For me, summertime brings daily moments of celebrating life.
That Scripture verse from this coming Sunday’s First Mass Reading seems to ring true.
Blessings come from slowing down and just being.
There is something wholesome about spending time out in God’s beautiful creation.
I hope you and your family have many moments of experiencing those blessings and are filled with new life these summer days.
Summer blessings to you!