The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has established a Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund to help the victims of the recent wildfires. This fund will provide grants for food, clothing, and other needs due to these recent wildfires. Anyone who would like to donate to help our brothers and sisters who are suffering because of the fires, please contribute to this collection. Donations may also be made through our parish online giving by selecting the Emergency Relief Fund. Requests for assistance will be made through your local parish and the funds will be provided as a one-time grant to those in need effective immediately. If you wish to donate
and are paying by check, please note “Wildfires” on the memo line. Thank you for your support to help those who are suffering and have lost so much through these devastating events. Let us continue to offer our prayers for all who have been impacted by the wildfires and for the first responders and all volunteers who are on the front lines. Envelopes are available by the doors of the church.
You can also scan the QR code below and click one time payment and then select Emergency Relief Fund from the drop down menu.